Trying to balance the mountains of work piling up with everything else, like socialising and housework is beginning to become pretty difficult. I am trying to improve my work and make the most of my time here whilst trying to keep on top of the work that is being thrown at me left right and centre. I am determined to do better this year and get my work out into the world so I can start building connections, preparing me for life after my degree. Going to the Castle Museum workshop the other day has made me realise this.
I am attempting to improve my drawing by using different techniques and strategies. I was browsing the internet to gain inspiration (as always) and came across this article which was pretty helpful. Looking at sketchbook examples really helps me and makes me realise my work needs to have more direct connections with the pattern and shapes being made by the piece I am drawing from. I am going to draw today and keep referring back to the different drawing strategies and this other article that I also found very helpful. The second article is about creating excellent observational drawings, a point that made me think was, "keep outlines light". I realised I draw with outlines too much and not with shapes, shading and colour. I am going to add this to my never ending list of things to do and hopefully improve my drawing.