From the ideas from Nicks session, I gathered lots materials, like straws, cable ties and cables. I also had some found plastic mesh (which I have started to weave into) and old cables and wires that I had collected . The idea was to weave and collage these found materials, which linked with my theme of colour on the street. I experimented with melting cables and straws etc then weaving, weaving them beforehand then melting them together to fuse them. This proved fairly difficult, as the cables and straws moved around a lot when under the heat press. The cables, laid side by side, crossed over or woven together didn't look how I hoped as the colours became merged and slightly muddy. They also didn't lay flat, I tried to solve this by using tape and other things to hold it down flat but it still didn't look right. I thought the idea was there, having the melted plastic encased my the unmelted wire which gave it structure, I just need to think about how I can develop and transfer this idea by using a different technique or material.
The melting of straws worked well I just learnt to wait for them to cool in order for them to keep their shape. This makes me think that maybe I could remove them quickly from the heat to then shape them so they cooled and kept the shape I put them in? I collaged and melted the straws together more but realised that the colours were letting me down. I then bought some wider, clear straws, in the hope I could dye or print on these. Hopefully I can weave with these, then print on top, print on top or them or dye then and then weave them together? I could also think about melting them onto other found materials like wood or cables?