finishing prints!!

May 17, 2017

I have finished my prints and washed/ironed them all so they are ready to be hung on my rail put into my context illustrations.
Overall I am happy with what I have achieved but I have so much more I would love to do- luckily I can continue working after deadline so that I am making more for TexPrint, degree show and maybe new designers????
I wanted to continue my style in my visualisations and ensure that I am still using the wood as an accent- also using some collaged cut out pieces from my drawings to subtly fill areas such as the plant pot and chair is successful and playful!

Some initial context illustrations:

Printing & Adjusting

May 17, 2017

Today I have been adjusting and adding to older pieces after looking at them all together in one place. Using post it notes has helped me decide where I need to add to and what I should alter/ cover. I also wanted to add some more of the burnt caramel/orange shade to the prints so they wordked better together.

I added to a couple of the prints with posca pen and graphite to add to areas and to fill in some shapes- i couldnt do this whilst printing as the graphite fades too much. I tested permanent marker the other day and this stays throughout the steaming and printing process- Something to think about after deadline for degree show???

(adding to the faded areas as this was the one that wasnt steamed- overall the colours dont look too bad considering!!)

the print that was stained blue!! (before)

adding to the print to distract from the blue tint! (after)

blue flock added with some areas of dark pigment