
Further thoughts

September 30, 2016

I popped over to the Forum to see Aviva briefly and had a chat about how my work was going, I was unsure where to go, weave, print, stitch? or all of them? Speaking to her made me realise I wasn't sure on my direction just yet, I haven't tried to explain it properly to anyone, its all jumbled in my head and doesn't make complete sense just yet. I went home and made various mind maps, trying to unpick my ideas and explore what it is that really interests me and how I am going to ask my self the question/learning agreement.
I read through the PDP building a project presentation from Les, and some of the questions helped me think about my project further. I have made a list of those questions and printed them out so I can use them as prompts for when I am struggling with reflecting or questioning my ideas. I prepared my studio space and stuck up inspiration images as I plan to use the studio as much as possible this year. I then went exploring Norwich with my camera handy. I walked around anglia square and ended up near the back of the car park, I was pretty high and ended up in a fab spot for photographs. I varied the shots, looking at the lines, grids and colour of buildings, walls and other unnoticed, unappreciated objects in te urban environment.
I had a play on photoshop, enhancing the colour and straightening them up and found my self loving the results. I just need to continue to draw from these and keep exploring the city with my sketchbook to make mark as drawing is the essential starting point! Hopefully this will help me decide on my sampling. Maybe its good not to know try intentions just yet?

Research Report

Research Report?

September 29, 2016

Writing isn't my strongest trait but I luckily am extremely interested in the topic I have chosen to explore. The session with Jill on Tuesday was handy, especially now being grouped with two other students writing their report on a similar topic, we shared ideas and created a whatsapp group to discuss more ideas when we aren't together. We have emailed Sebastian Owen about Brainchild and further meetings we can have with him as I have heard he is so willing to help! Tuesday was a wake up call and made me realise I need to get my self organised as I cannot afford to fall behind. 

I have booked a session with academic support the day before the optional draft hand in (which I am absolutely taking advantage of). This gives me a goal to work to and forces me to write write write!

I have emailed Amos Rimini and Ashley Goldberg to ask them questions about self employment as an artist but I am still awaiting a response from both of them. 

I am also thinking about speaking to Pete Mosely, who I have met before and would be willing to speak to me about creative business- I just need to work out what I want to know!!!

This week I plan to listen to a voice recording I took at New Designers from a lecture about creative business, I will then unpick it and find the relevant information. I also need to refine my question and start my draft intro!



Mini ideas meeting with fellow course members

September 27, 2016

Meeting up with my other 3 friends on the course has helped me further extend my initial ideas form yesterday session. We discussed our ideas individually and gave feedback to one another. I explained how I wanted my design to be in a functional context and have a purpose. I showed my mini mood board of colourful buildings and it was suggested that I explored the theory of colour, thinking about mood in relation to colour. We discussed hostels, hospitals, children's bedrooms, sensory rooms and hospices. I like the thought of applying my work to a public area that can affect a variety of different people.

My fellow course members liked the idea of my drawing focus of urban architecture and colour, I just now need to decide my focus on sampling- do I want to solely weave or print or shall I combine  them (my favourite). Will I be stuck for time? I am not hugely experienced in hanking up yarn, dyeing, coning then threading up the loom in a short space of time so this might hinder me? However I like to challenge myself and weaving on my rigid heddle loom is something that works well for me and I can imagine my first few drawings transferring into weave already-something to think about!



September 26, 2016

I have been thinking about what I want to make/do/design/draw in third year all summer. I have been to London, visiting the exhibitions and museums with my housemate who studies fashion. We particularly gained lots of inspiration from the Missoni exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum, studying the colour combinations and history. I have also begun exploring abandoned areas and urban architecture, photographing colour and shape as well as recording using drawing line over collaged backgrounds. I want to further work on this using recycled papers and materials. 

Right now I am now super overwhelmed after todays session. I need to find a good interior context to apply my designs to that is interesting, fun and unique. Ideally I want my context to link strongly with my drawing/project focus and I want to have a powerful concept behind my designs. 

There are so many contexts I could apply my designs to which would be interesting and different... homeless- no interior?
social housing?
exploring different culture?
storage?- repetition?

I have been thinking about how I want my design to be applied to something functional, with a purpose, possibly life changing? I need to continue to think about the demographics of who would use the space, what the space would be used for and why? How big would the space be? does the outside inform the inside? could the design raise awareness

I have issued books from the library which explore varied interior designs, focusing on colour as well as composition, culture and tradition. 


continue to look through interior design books, picking out what interests me and what is suitable to apply my work to?
explore norwich and draw from buildings/linear patterns and colour (and photograph)
explore dezeen/design milk/ design boom/ apartment therapy etc for more inspo 

A collection of my drawing focus so far