Robert Rasushenburg
material> reusing???
working large!!
found objects
image transfer> light fluid... research this!
tate modern
inspo from city
refreshed me!!
struggling with motivation etc
problems with drawing> not sure if they are working> how can i improve these? i need to anaylse them to understand what isn’t working
screen printing then cutting and piecing together
Finding hard to wrk are like Nick suggested> need t0 blow things up bigger on A3 sheets and continue to cut up
need to wrk further on my colour palette bt am enjoying the monochrome at the moment
materials development>> use materials that inspired me from the city as well as referring to WGSN list.
wood- plywood/chipboard/mdf
how can i source these and how can I apply colour to them?
width of fabric is repeat????? think outside the box!!!!
gloss paint?
look at painters... COLOUR AND STYLE
mask areas off
SDC board:
explain sublimation process
most ethical synthetic fabric
treat boards like drawings
consistency on boards- text/size/colour/ placement
Today I spent my day in the print room, deciding on my initial colour palette and printing different weights of papers to work with for my drawings. Gaining inspiration from my London visit using the wall art and graffiti as colour influences. Using a variety of weights of paper, I explored cold and hot pressed papers which also made me think further about creating my own papers? I picked out the colours from my favourite image and then developed these colours further using Pantone colours. I have began to do this further with other images to develop my colour palette even further. I have also been studying trends on WGSN and I am hoping to use more green shades in response to the Greenery Pantone Colour of the year. I also see this as a challenge as I rarely use green in my work. I used the lime green in BA3a but hope to develop this shade further and also introduce other greens.
Brick lane/ shoredicth /bishops gate- lots of appropriate images to work from for my drawings!
material lab> greenery/ materials
fashion textile museum> josef frank
liberty and john lewis etc looking at interiors!