Idott Wallpaper thoughts & planning

April 19, 2017

Tomorrow I will be back in the print room and need to continue to plan and figure out how I could create a repeat length for my last project and the idott competition. I want it to be based upon the cut out, simple shapes and minimal lines, using various artists and trends to influence me. In a way this is a development of my previous work from the other projects but I am finding a way to be selective in the way that I work and work to a brief.

The brief asks for a repeat wallpaper 52 by 64 cm which has to repeat in both width and height. I want to create a large scale wall covering so that the repeat can be barely seeing in length. There is an option on the brief which says that you can opt for bigger dimensions- which may be a possibility for me.

I have already began creating compositions and drawing for this project (before easter) using lining paper to help me understand the width I am working to. Tomorrow I will continue to do this and consider options for scale.

I have quickly tried repeating my cut out shapes to see how they could flow together when repeating in width and length and I think this could work.

I am going to attempt to do similar designs using paper stencils tomorrow.

I still need to sort out colours for this project, by analysing interior trends and developing colours from my photographs of urban space. 

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