Colour palette alteration

May 12, 2017

After researching even further into mid century modern colours of project 4/ wallpaper project I decided that actually these colours could work for my project 3. Initially the colours were inspired by the classic colours of pink and green- using olives, teals and peaches to try to represent the contrast between nature and urban space - inspired by the Batsford Prize competition- Interpreting Nature.

After the incident with the colour bleed yesterday, I noticed that my samples were quite dull and washed out- this was a combination of washing them a lot but also because I only did 2 pulls and also maybe the colour just wasn't strong enough when I mixed it. I feel that the greens worked well together but the peach/pink was just too pale and you couldn't really see it after a couple of washes. 

I used the polychromatic technique and applied a darker wash of rust brown and chocolate brown (originally this was the recipe for the pale peach- just a much smaller ratio). After testing this I found the perfect rust terracotta that paired perfectly with a new colour to my palette: an inky blue. I used an inky blue in my final wallpaper designs and my blind competition and think this worked well and connected with the mid century modern influence. This was also inspired by blue print, this was after Nick and I looked at my initial wallpaper repeats which were completed in the print room, where I had a textural secondary print from a slightly blocked screen. Using this inky blue has stopped me from using black too much whilst still keeping a dark tone and balance in my colours.

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